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TRAVEL IN TAIPEI 台北在地旅行   > Yehliu GEO Park 野柳地質公園 

圖片來源:Taiwan The Heart of Aisa

野柳地質公園 Yehliu GEO Park



   交通資訊 Travel Guide


​   從東門站搭乘捷運4號線至忠孝新生站(經1站),由三號出口出站再轉搭國光客



   Take the MRT line 4 from Dongmen station to Zhongxiao Xinsheng

   station (1 stops), transfer to the bus 1815 from the exit 3, from

   National Taipei University of Technology station to Yehliu station

   (38 stops) and take a 8 mins walk to Yehliu GEO Park

    看地圖 View on Google Map >>


   相關網頁介紹 Official Website

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