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東門旅店擁有一個絕佳的地理位置,步行5分鐘到達台北著名的永康美食商圈, 及歷史悠久的傳統市場-東門市場, 捷運一站抵達中正紀念堂或大安森林公園,捷運車程約十分鐘到達台北101,忠孝東路與西門商圈等,這裡是您探索台北市最理想的出發點。


Dongmen Hotel has a superb location in the heart of Taipei, 5 mintues walking distance to the famous Yong-kang Street, one stop by metro to National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall or Daan Park, 10 mintues by metro to Taipei 101, Zhongxiao East Road and Ximen station, this is the perfect base for exploring this nice city has to offer.

地理位置 Location

Address 地址


10056  台灣 台北市 中正區 臨沂街76號2樓


2F., No.76, Linyi St., Zhongzheng Dist.,

Taipei City 10056, Taiwan





Nearest Metro Station(MRT)鄰近捷運站


捷運東門站 一號出口(2號線&4號線)



The nearest Taipei Metro Station is Dongmen Station,

Line 2 & Line 4.

Dongmen Hotel is also a 1-minute short walk from the 

Exit 1 of the station. Turn right at Linyi Street and you

will see the hotel on your left.



Nearest Bus Station  鄰近公車站


0東, 20, 22, 38, 204, 1503, 信義幹線 

The nearest bus station: MRT Dongmen Station








From Taoyuan International Airport  從桃園機場出發

  • By bus  搭公車

  1. 搭乘長榮巴士至捷運忠孝新生站→

       轉乘捷運4號線至東門站 (經1站)→

       ★客運車資:NTD135 / 人 (約每15-20 分鐘一班車)

      Take Evergreen Bus to MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station 

        Take MRT Line 4 to Dongmen Station (1 stop) 

        Exit from exit 1 and take a 1-minute walk to Dongmen Hotel

        ★Bus fee: NT$135/ per person (Every 15-20 minutes)


​   2. 搭乘國光客運大有巴士至捷運台北車站→

       轉乘捷運2號線至東門站 (經3站)→


       ★客運車資:NTD125 / 人 (約每15-20 分鐘一班車)

        Take Kuo-Kuang eBus or CitiAir Bus to MRT Taipei Main Station 

        Take MRT Line 2 to Dongmen Station (3 stops) 

        Exit from exit 1 and take a 1-minute walk to Dongmen Hotel

        ★Bus fee: NT$125/ per person (Every 15-20 minutes)


  •  Airport Pick-up Service  接機服務




        Dongmen Hotel offer a savest and fastest airport pick-up service

         with the best price. Please leave your flight details and contact

         information to Book Your Pickup.



From Songsan Airport  從松山機場出發

  • By bus  搭公車

       搭乘公車254路至信義新生路口下車 (經11站)→ 步行約6分鐘即可抵達

        Take the city bus 254 from Songsan Airport Station and take off at Xinyi &

        Xinsheng Road (11 stops) Take an approximately 6 minties walk to Dongmen Hotel


  • By Metro  搭捷運


       改搭乘2號線至東門站 (經2站)

      Take the MRT Line 1 from Songsan Airport Station to Daan Station (5 stops)→ 

       Transfer to Line 2 to Dongmen Station (2 stops) and exit from exit 1      


  • By texi  搭計程車


       About 10-15 mintues drive, cost approx NT$150



Driving Yourself  自行開車

  • By car  開車路線

       建國高架出口下→  接建國高架橋→  仁愛路出口下→  右轉仁愛路靠左側慢車道行駛→ 至臨沂街左轉→ 



  • Parking Area Information  (收費)停車場資訊

    1. 鄰近停車場地址:台北市中正區臨沂街69巷6號  (從本店步行約5分鐘到達)


    2. 金山停車場



    3. 嘟嘟房信義站平面停車場


    4. 應安停車場

        收費方式:40元/時,停車逾1小時以上者,未滿半小時以半小時計費。隔天要中午12點才能取車 (因市場車的關係)


交通資訊 Travel Information


鄰近必去景點  Nearby Attractions Information

Attractions Nearby
Travel in Taipei
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