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Reservation Policy 訂房需知

付 費 方 式
更 改 / 取 消 訂 房
1. 入住/退房須知  Check-in / Check-out Information
  • 櫃檯服務時間  Reception Opening Hours

    From 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM Everyday
    Please inform us in advance if you cannot check-in in time.


  • 入住  Check-In 




        You can check-in anytime during the reception opening hours, but the room is available after 3:00 pm.
        We can keep your luggage safely in the hotel.

        Please do inform us in advance for a late check-in after 01:00AM. 
        Please make sure your phone line is accessible for hotel staff can reach you.
        If any circumstance occurs you cannot arrived to the hotel, pleases inform us by phone or email, otherwise, the room will

        be only hold until 01:00AM.


  • 退房  Check-Out



        Check out time is 12:00 at noon.

        A late check out is charged NTD150 every half hour. The extension is a maximum of 2 hours.


  • 身份證明文件  ID Identification Proof


        In order to guaranteed your reservation with us and protect your right, the reservation details should be

        corresponded with the person who book the room. When you check in to the hotel, pleases provides all        

        occupants ID identification proof for registration.

4. 人數限制  Maximum Occupancy Rules
  • 入住人數  Maximum Occupancy 



        The maximum number of people booking the room is regulated. Extra person upon the request and additional fee

        charged. During your stay to impact other guest accommodation quality or cause risk public safety. Hotel has right to

        cancel room accommodation, room price cannot refund.


  • 訪客  Visitors


        To maintain hotel quality and other guest accommodation right,  please do not keep other visitors over 23:00 pm.

3. 禁止吸菸 / 禁帶寵物  No Smoking / No Pet


        Dongmen Hotel is a non-smoking and no pet hotel.       
        We corporate with national tobacco hazard prevent act. Smoking is strict prohibited in the hotel, people smoking in non-

        smoking places. Maximum fine will be charged of NTD 10,000.

2. 入住提醒  Notes
  • 無早餐供應  No Breakfast 


        We do not offer breakfast.


  • 無電梯設備  No Elevator


        There are 4 floors in Dongmen Hotel, from the second to the fifth floor. There is no elevator in the hotel, however,

        the reception staff can help to carry the luggage for you.


  • 無附設停車場  No Free Parking Lot


        We do not offer free parking lots. Please click here and see the nearby parking area information.  

​入 住 須 知

Check-in Information




​付 費 方 式

Methods of Payment

  • 電話/email訂房   Telephone/email booking



      Referring to The standard contract document No 020027390 issued by the Tourism Bureau Taiwan. The

      deposit charged of reservation is 30% of the total room rate. The payment is acceptable to made by 

      remittance or ATM cash transfer for a telephone and email booking. 









     ★ 匯款完成後,請來電或來信告知您的匯款帳號末4碼以供核對,謝謝。
         After the transfer is completed, please kindly advise the last 4 number of your card number or the

         receipt for us to verify the amount. Thank you.

2. 信用卡預先授權  Credit Card Pre-Authorization  


  • 特約公司訂房   Special contract customers



      Please fill out the credit card pre-authorization form and email back to us in time. The booking will be

      confirmed after the first night room rate have been pre-authorized. Please note the payment will be

      charged when you check-in. 

3. 線上付費  Online Payment   


  • 線上訂房   Online booking



      We only accept credit card for our online booking system.


1. 國內外匯款  Money Transfer / Remittance

​更 改 / 取 消 訂 房

Change / Cancel the Reservation

1. 更改訂房  Modify a reservation


        We offer 1 time change of check-in date 3 days prior to check-in without handling fee. The extension of check-in date cannot

        over 1 month. The modification of your reservation applied cannot be cancelled or applied for any change or extension again.

2. 取消訂房  Cancel a reservation


  • 取消費用   Cancellation fees


       1. 旅客於入住日期前14日取消訂房時,將不收取取消訂房手續費。
       2. 旅客於入住日期前10至13日取消訂房時,應負擔訂金之30%為訂房取消費用。
       3. 旅客於入住日期前7至9日取消訂房時,應負擔訂金之50%為訂房取消費用。
       4. 旅客於入住日期前4至6日取消訂房時,應負擔訂金之60%為訂房取消費用。
       5. 旅客於入住日期前2至3日取消訂房時,應負擔訂金之70%為訂房取消費用。
       6. 旅客於入住日期前1日取消訂房時,應負擔訂金之100%為訂房取消費用。
       7. 旅客於入住日期當天取消訂房或怠於通知者,應負擔第一晚房費之費用。

       The cancellation of a confirmed reservation is applied with the following conditions:

       1.   +14 days prior to check-in, no cancellation fee will be charged.
       2.   13 to 10 days prior to check-in, 30% of the deposit will be charged as the handling fee.
       3.   9 to 7 days prior to check-in, 50% of the deposit will be charged as the handling fee.
       4.   6 to 4 days prior to check-in, 60% of the deposit will be charged as the handling fee.
       5.   2 to 3 days prior to check-in, 70% of the deposit will be charged as the handling fee.
       6.   1 day prior to check-in, 80% of the deposit will be charged as the handling fee.
       7.   Cancel at the check-in date or no show, no deposit will be refunded.


  • 天災因素   Unexpected events



       Unexpected weather conditions occurred in check days such as typhoon warning publishing in island Taiwan or irresistible        

       cause cannot live. The reservation deposit can retain in three months.

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